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The Student News Source of the University of New Haven

The Charger Bulletin

The Student News Source of the University of New Haven

The Charger Bulletin

The Student News Source of the University of New Haven

The Charger Bulletin

Chipotle or Nah?

Alessia Bicknese January 27, 2016

Would you rather die of an E. coli infection or never eat Chipotle again? Well, according to the entire world, there is no way America could live without Chipotle – even if it means eating to your death. But...

10 Things UNH Students Would Rather Be Doing Than Going Back to School

Kaitlin Mahar January 27, 2016

Standing naked in the middle of the quad on the coldest day of the semester. Because who says giving a presentation in front of your entire class is the only way to experience a live reenactment of Naked...

Curb Your Negativity

Alessia Bicknese January 27, 2016

Recently, there have been many people being negative and carrying themselves so miserably for no reason at all. Such negativity includes, but is certainly not limited to envy, jealousy, self-pity, aggression,...

10 Things College Students Don’t Want to Hear Over the Holidays

Alessia Bicknese December 9, 2015

When we go home for the holidays, we are going home for three main reasons: real food, our beds, and our pets (and our parents of course – hi mom). As excited as we are to come home, we are all dreading...

An Open Letter to Bartels from a Female Student

The Charger Bulletin December 9, 2015

Dear Bartels, Do I look like a bird? No? Then stop feeding me like I am one. As a female student on this campus who pays for her food just like everybody else and pays the same amount as everybody...

Gross Things to NEVER Do in Front of Your Significant Other

Kaitlin Mahar December 9, 2015

  1. Treat a waitress/salesperson/employee of any business you find yourselves at with disrespect. If the person you’re dating has the nerve to publicly humiliate or disrespect a perfect stranger...


Samantha Higgins November 25, 2015

There is no denying that everyone is talking about refugees these days; it is in every paper, on every social media site, and I’ve discussed it in almost every class. That being said, everyone has their...

Give Me Wi-Fi or Give Me Death (Or Data)

Gabby Nowicki November 25, 2015

Wi-Fi, the coveted thing we all desire more than love. Wi-Fi gives us the ability to save money while connecting us to all our friends and family. The internet is our beloved source of entertainment, news,...

In Response to the Reaction of Last Week’s SigSuit Article

The Charger Bulletin November 25, 2015

I’m writing this article in reaction to the SigSuit article published in last week’s The Charger Bulletin. Or, more specifically, the comments published online about the article. It is cult-like...

My SigSuit Dispute

The Charger Bulletin November 18, 2015

Last Friday was that time of year. No, I’m not talking about when the leaves begin to fall, or when we start to realize that we need to get a 200 percent on our final research paper to pass our class....

The Safe Campus Act Needs to be Stopped

Kaitlin Mahar November 18, 2015

 But First, It Needs to be Noticed Everybody remembers the outrage we all felt when Columbia University made little-to-no effort to aid Emma Sulkowicz in her plight to get justice in the wake of the...

Working Retail Sucks

The Charger Bulletin November 18, 2015

What with the holidays coming around and our capitalistic culture showing just how materialistic it really is, I feel as though it is necessary to call attention to all of the people who are called to...

How the Holidays Lose Their Magic

Samantha Higgins November 18, 2015

It’s no secret that the holidays are right around the corner. You walk into any store and you are overtaken by clearance Halloween decorations, an area for Thanksgiving decorations and cookbooks, an...

Participating in Participation

Alessia Bicknese November 11, 2015

It’s eight in the morning, your body is lacking caffeine, you barely changed out of your pajamas, you were up all night studying and now, your professor is penalizing you for not “participating”...

The Police Are Ordinary People Just Like Us

The Charger Bulletin November 11, 2015

By BENJAMIN LAPLANTE Contributing Writer [email protected] The police have gained a lot of negative attention in the media over the past year because of events that started in Ferguson. The...

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