With Spring Weekend less than a month away and graduation pending in (GASP) 41 days from printing day, there is so much left to do on campus. Rock and Roll Week kicked off this week, my dance recital is just around the corner, Spring Concert bands have just been announced, and campus is brewing with news of Senior Week activities. So get out on campus and get doing things!

But wait…do you not know when Senior Week is? Did you miss who the Spring Concert bands are? Did you delete that pesky email that told you exactly what to expect in order to walk in graduation? NO PROBLEM. Just sit in your room, curl up in bed, and complain about it. I’m sure, when those dates roll around, someone somewhere may have heard you through the notoriously thin walls of Soundview Hall and let you know exactly what is up…NOT. The only thing sitting in your room complaining about your “lack of information” is going to get you is a sore throat…and a pretty boring end of the semester.
Let’s be real: the only way you are going to know anything here at UNH, or in life really, is if you buckle down, get proactive, and figure the information out yourself. Relying on your friends, or Facebook, in the hopes that someone will feel pity and just let you know about it is relatively silly. College is the place where we learn about life; life will not just “hand” you information on a silver platter. We all get emails for a reason: you should not delete something from Student Activities or SCOPE without reading what it is first. If you just throw everything away, it isn’t SCOPE’s fault, or anyone else’s for that matter, that you miss a great event on campus or that you aren’t knowledgeable about upcoming campus news.
I’m not saying you should completely rely on internet based communication to have an idea about what’s going on throughout the day on campus. Yeah, let’s be honest with ourselves: the email shuts down all the time. Sometimes Facebook isn’t so reliable. Yes: sometimes counting on your friends is really the best thing to turn to. But this is not the majority, and the only person you can blame for not knowing something on campus is yourself.
So get ready all you people out there who choose to ignore important emails and get confused as to why you think “nothing happens on campus” while all your friends are having a ton of fun: HERE IS THE SCOOP! The Spring Concert is Apr. 30 at the Charger Gymnasium. Ticket sales are TBA. Spring Weekend’s Spring Carnival, which is chock full of great prizes and times, will be at North Campus on May 1. Graduation is May 16 and Senior Week kicks off that Thursday night. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, you can come up to the third floor of Bartels and visit USGA President Chris Rinck, the USGA Senator Office, SCOPE, The Charger Bulletin, Chariot Yearbook, or the Office of Student Activities for questions.
Or…wait for it…you can email one of us! The senior class email can be found at [email protected] and the rest of our emails are available at chargervoice.com or on the doors outside our offices.
All in all, UNH provides its students with excellent student-run organizations that are always there to answer questions, provide entertainment and events, and support the student body. Missing out on these great opportunities by ignoring the outlets for communication and questions on campus is no one’s fault but your own. Read your email before deleting it and come ask if you need help! Enjoy the last month or so of classes, activities, and events on campus! And, of course, enjoy SCOPE’s annual spring weekend!