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The Student News Source of the University of New Haven

The Charger Bulletin

The Student News Source of the University of New Haven

The Charger Bulletin

The Student News Source of the University of New Haven

The Charger Bulletin

All Journalists Started Somewhere

All Journalists Started Somewhere

Susan Campbell, Distinguished Lecturer April 25, 2018

Susan Campbell is one of the faculty advisors of the Charger Bulletin.   There were plenty more talented student journalists at my little southwest Missouri college, but no one wanted a career...

Student Journalism is Community Journalism

Student Journalism is Community Journalism

Ali McCarthy, Contributing Writer April 24, 2018

Going to a university is like living in a tiny town, and the population is your fellow students and faculty members.  The same way that people rely on local news to find out what is going on in their...

Preparing for Years to Come

Preparing for Years to Come

The Editorial Board, The Charger Bulletin April 24, 2018

Dozens of students, approximately 25 articles, and uncountable hours. These are the elements of a successful college newspaper. Every week, the Charger Bulletin works as a team to build content, copy...

President Kaplan: Student Media is Like No Other

President Kaplan: Student Media is Like No Other

Steven H. Kaplan, University President April 24, 2018

A reporter from The Charger Bulletin recently interviewed me for a story about faculty diversity. This gave me a chance to speak with the reporter about the University’s ongoing efforts to diversify...

Student Journalism and Me: A Timeline

Student Journalism and Me: A Timeline

Alessia Bicknese, Opinion Editor April 24, 2018

August 2014. I was a freshman surrounded by endless opportunities to be something. We were urged to visit the club fair, the perfect place to begin the next four years of a freshman’s life. I found...

The Fight for Equal Pay Continues

The Fight for Equal Pay Continues

Rebecca Tatera, Contributing Writer April 17, 2018

Listen up, ladies! If you are a senior about to work a new job after college, or you’re still in college and getting ready for your first internship, watch out for the gender wage gap. In honor of...

Trump has No Right to Build the Wall

Trump has No Right to Build the Wall

Rebecca Tatera, Contributing Writer April 17, 2018

Part of Donald Trump’s plan when he was elected as president was building a wall that separates the United States from Mexico. Now, until construction is finished, President Trump said, “we’re going...

Internships and College Students

Internships and College Students

Editorial Board April 11, 2018

As college students, we go through our college years eager to learn, and later apply what we learned to our careers. So, what do we do? We go out and we look for internships, paid or unpaid, we are more...

What’s so Exhilarating About Breaking Out in Heavy Sweats?

What’s so Exhilarating About Breaking Out in Heavy Sweats?

Alessia Bicknese, Opinion Editor April 11, 2018

During the last moments of the brisk weather, the world can almost taste the hot sun they once knew. But is sun poisoning, sweat in uncomfortable places, mosquito bites, and chafing really preferred over...

The Moment

The Moment

Stefano Bicknese, Contributing Writer April 9, 2018

Have you ever walked into a room and locked eyes with a person, and at that exact point in time, nothing else in the universe exists? Just you and that person, smiling, as if you are the only two people...

Cultural Divide and Misperception

Cultural Divide and Misperception

Sommers Smith, Contributing Writer April 6, 2018

Being a person of color in a predominantly white institution (PWI), it is easier to notice when there is a cultural divide. A predominantly white institution is when at least 50% or more white individuals...

Response to "Walk Up, NOT Out"

Response to “Walk Up, NOT Out”

Yara Obeid, Contributing Writer April 6, 2018

Walk up to somebody at school who appears to be alone and say something nice or offer a kind gesture. By doing so, we can eliminate the chances of another school shooting happening. That is the message...

Silhouettes of Diverse International Students Celebrating Graduation

I Want My College to Teach Me to Grow

Alessia Bicknese, Opinion Editor April 6, 2018

It’s no surprise that soon-to-be-college-graduates have added graduation countdowns to their calendars, pouted about their senioritis, and dreamed of commencement. But before abandoning your textbooks...

The Fight for Gun Control

The Fight for Gun Control

Rebecca Tatera, Contributing Writer March 26, 2018

After the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school shooting killed 17 students and faculty members, the decades-long fight for gun control gained new momentum. Students began to exercise their right to protest,...

Photo courtesy of Creative Commons.

The Grey Area of Christian Grey

Iyana Jones, Staff Writer March 7, 2018

Christian Grey became a household name since the original release of Fifty Shades of Grey in 2015. The films, based off the book series, follow Anastasia Steele navigating her BDSM relationship with Grey....

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