Saying Goodbye to Amber Cannady – Volleyball

Amber Cannady has done a lot in her four years at the University of New Haven. Last year she led the Chargers through the playoffs and all the way to the elite-8. She is all over the record books, stacking up with some of the best that have ever stepped on the court. She led the Chargers to a 23-4 record this season and is looking to help them weave their way through the playoffs for a second straight year.
I sat down with tearful Cannady to talk about her last year here at UNH:
Chris Schnabel: Congratulations on winning player of the week again. How does it feel knowing this can very well be your last one?
Amber Cannady: “Bittersweet. You know how I feel about awards; I appreciate taking the time to give me the honor, there’s a bright future to look forward to. It’s about doing what you have to in order to reach your goal, and I feel that’s where we are heading now.”
CS: Who do think will fill your shoes next year to be the leader of this team?
AC: “I feel like we’re all leaders in our own way. I don’t think there is one set leader. I like to do the best I can for the girls, and I’m sure that they do the same, but I feel like leadership won’t be an issue next year. We have that down pat.”
CS: Are you ready for senior day?
AC: “It’s so sad! It’s been a long time coming. I appreciate making it four years here, but it’s sad at the same time. I love this school, I love this team, and I love this tradition. It’s going to be hard.”
CS: What are your plans after UNH?
AC: “There are some options; grad school maybe, maybe volleyball, maybe not. You never really know where life is going to take you, so it’s wherever the wind blows I guess.”
CS: What would you say has been the highlight of your career?
AC: “Honestly, going to the elite-8. It was a great experience that you can’t take away from somebody. In all honesty it changes you. It makes you want something much bigger then yourself.”
CS: Where do you feel you rank among the Chargers in history?
AC: “I hold all the women who have passed through these walls in a very high regard. I can’t compare myself to them, because each of these women has their own history and their own chapter and their own influence on this team. I just hope that my influence can be like there’s later on in the future.”
CS: Who influenced you most throughout your career?
AC: “Robin Salters was my biggest influence. She played a big part in making me what I am today. I took a lot of work from her and I really appreciate it.”
CS: What will you miss most about UNH?
AC: “It’s not one thing I’ll miss, it’s the whole experience; being in this building, walking into the gym, and all the little things that you don’t realize that you do every day, but won’t be able to do again later on.”