USGA and GSC Raising Funds for Hurricane Relief
Hurricane Irma, now officially the worst storm in history, along with Hurricane Harvey, have devastated entire cities. While some people have lost their lives, others have lost their livelihoods, they have seen their neighborhoods ruined, and are in a complete state of dishevel. Homes, grocery stores, churches, and schools, which are essential for communities to function and thrive have been razed in some areas, creating a chaos for government agencies feverishly working to bring some semblance of comfort to those affected.
Seeing the chaos and determined to help, Nicolette Angelli, president of the Undergraduate Student Government Association, along with her colleagues on the board, have begun a fundraiser to help those affected.
“Seeing the devastation from Hurricane Harvey prompted the USGA board which has the resources of 140 clubs on campus to raise $8,000, by September 29,” Angelli said.
The USGA is not alone, as they have partnered with the Graduate Student Council, making sure that all students are represented in the fundraising efforts. Angelli hopes that the efforts of the students at the University, along with the recent request for help from University President Steven H. Kaplan, will help to provide some comfort and support to those who currently find themselves in dire situations.
While the fundraising is intended to be altruistic, Angelli, a criminal justice law enforcement administration major, who has served in student government service since coming to the University her freshman year, is betting that the members of the many clubs on campus will jump at the chance to donate through their club if there is an incentive. Clubs will receive 1 point for every $20 the club donates, or ½ point for every $10. And for the first 100 people to donate, they will be entered in a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card.
Angelli said that for now, the working plan is to donate the funds to the American Red Cross, however, given the recent criticism of the American Red Cross’ handling of funds set to support those affected by past catastrophes, the USGA will hear proposals and suggestions from those in attendance at this Friday’s meeting, which will take place at 2:00 p.m., in the German Club. Students are encouraged to participate not only in the fundraising drive, but also in deciding how those funds are best utilized.
“USGA is here to serve the students, so they can decide [where the funds go],” Angelli said.
To donate, students can bring cash to the Bartels Information Desk, use Charger Cash in CSELO, or donate through a club you are a member of. For any questions, contact Nicolette Angelli at

Israel Estrada is a California native in town to earn a Master of Science in Emergency Management. Born and raised in California, Israel joined the United...