The USGA Yearly Budget Process Begins

As the end of the semester rolls around, Nicolette Angelli, current USGA Treasurer, is preparing the new budget process for RSOs to complete for the next academic year. This is a process every RSO must go through, and very few students know what it entails beforehand. The budget process allows every RSO to express their needs to get the funds they need to operate. The budgets for next year is due by all RSOs on March 22nd.
Before Angelli began writing the Yearly Budget Process, there were two open forums for students to provide their thoughts on the previous year’s budget. Attendance was high and she used to feedback to construct and alter this year’s budget process.
It is the job of each RSOs treasurer to submit the spreadsheet and supplemental report; however, it is important that the executive board collaborates to help create the budget for the following year. The treasurer has input from all positions within the RSO in order to construct a budget best reflecting the needs of the RSO. If the executive board for the following year is elected already, it is important to include them in the process, as they will be the ones to follow the process in the future.
According to Angelli, the money each club receives for their budget is determined by their club status. Club statuses are broken down into three levels: the top 20, gold status, and blue status.
“The “Top 20,” are the RSOs who are in the top 20% of all the clubs and organizations, based on the points standings. The “Top 20” are announced at the end of the academic year for the year to follow,” she explained.
Gold Status RSOs are those eligible to be in the Top 20, however all must maintain a point standing to remain gold, and failure to do so would result in the RSO becoming blue status. All new clubs and organizations are recognized by the University as blue status until they receive the recognition to get to gold.. All blue status clubs and organizations can seek the approval for gold status after two full consecutive semesters being recognized as blue status.
There are penalties for completing the budget process incorrectly, including leaving sections blank and altering font size or color. Typically the penalty is a decrease in the amount of funding an RSO receives.
“It is important to follow the budget process strictly so ensure that all RSO’s are held to the same standard and are treated fairly,” explained Angelli.
Angelli stressed the need to correctly fill out the supplement by using as much information as possible, explaining why it’s vital for your RSO to host an event, go on a trip, or buy what is being requested.
Kimberly Minier will be Angelli’s successor, becoming the USGA Treasurer for the next academic school year.
“As current Treasurer, I keep notes that I will pass on to Kim, the Treasurer-elect, as well as a guide of how to do every aspect of the position, yearly budget being one of them. I will begin to train her on the position as a whole now.She will be at every yearly budget meeting so she has an insight on what to expect for next year. I will also be close by to help her with whatever she needs as she transitions into the role of USGA Treasurer,” Angelli said about passing her responsibilities on to Kimberly Minier, USGA Treasurer-elect.
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this post stated that RSO’s would be limited to a certain number of requests for incorrectly filling our budget forms.

Karina Krul is a senior marine biology major with a triple minor in psychology, political science and marine affairs. This is her fourth year with The...