PIRO Hosts Semiannual Divination Fair

The semiannual Divination Fair, hosted by Paranormal Investigation and Research Organization on Thursday (April 7) drew in large crowds, despite the rainy weather. At the Divination Fair, those who wished to be read either using tarot cards, pendulum, or palm readings, got the chance for free. Julie Ringuette, Andrew Belanger, Melinda Nanassy, and Brynn Slicer, students in SPELL and PIRO signed up to be readers.
“I definitely think people want to learn about what divination is and I feel like when they come, they understand what it is. It’s not just weirdos sitting around, sometimes it’s really accurate and it’s scary,” said VP of PIRO, Amanda Santamaria.
Students began lining up before the event to ensure they would get a reading. Upon arrival, students chose who they wanted to read them.. Afterwards, they were able to take a “grab bag” item. Items included stones, rocks, and jewelry. Each student received a ticket to put in a raffle for a special array of prizes, including a deck of tarot cards, dream catchers, precious stones and rocks, a spell book, and an oracle book.
“It was a pleasant and humbling experience giving opportunity to review the events of one’s life and plan for the future with a clear mind and hopeful heart,” said PIRO member John Boncaldo.
The fair gave students not only the opportunity to experience divination and receive readings, it also gave students who read tarot cards or palms to showcase their skills in a variety of different ways.
“I found it quite different from the last time I was read. This one seemed to only apply in vague ways, but at the end it all came together with the final card, and actually applied to me,” said PIRO member, Elizabeth Coen.
Julie Ringuette read people, with tarot cards, their signs, and what it meant for their futures.
“It was very accurate, which slightly amazed me,” said SPELL member Trinette Robinson.
Andrew Belanger on the other hand read people’s palms instead of cards.
“It was very interesting and cool to learn new possible things about myself. This whole thing fascinates me!” said freshman Rebecca Wallace.
“It was a really cool experience to get my palm read. This was my first time I had this done, and it was interesting to learn things about my present and future self,” said Anna Mercaldi.
Nanassy read people with both tarot cards and a pendulum, a device that would answer questions depending on how it spun.
“After a stressful and rough couple of weeks, coming to get a tarot reading from Melinda really calmed my nerves. I got offered some advice from her and the cards and my mind was more at ease now and I really felt relaxed and intrigued during the reading,” said Jeremy Bellman.