Campus to return to green alert status

Nearly one month after the University of New Haven switched to yellow alert status and a COVID outbreak in Bixler Hall, the campus is preparing to move back to green status.

Green status, according to the university’s COVID task force, means that the university is at low risk for COVID-19 and that “cases are rare and transmission controlled.”

On March 29 the COVID task force sent an email announcing that on March 30 the campus would move to green status protocols. New updates include maintaining three feet of physical distance when outdoors, and six feet when indoors. There will be an increase in outdoor seating areas, and residents may sign in commuter students as guests, though guests are still only permitted in common lounges rather than private residential rooms.

The email said, “We are pleased to announce that thanks to your continued cooperation and vigilance, the number of COVID-19 cases on our campus is currently low and controlled.”

Currently, there are 25 active student cases.

At this time, the mask mandate and weekly asymptomatic testing requirement among residents still stand. The university continues to discourage travel and is asking students to be cautious as Easter weekend, Passover and the ReCharge Day on March 31 approaches.

“It is imperative that we do not let our guard down and that we continue to follow the comprehensive public health measures that are in place to keep all of us safe,” said the task force.

The announcement provided a brief update on the COVID-19 vaccine. In Connecticut, vaccine appointments will be available to those 16 and older beginning on April 1. On March 30, the COVID task force will be holding a virtual town hall forum on the Charlie the Charger Facebook page to provide more information on what this means for campus.

Students can email with questions or concerns.