Campus Email Update on the Coronavirus
Courtesy of University of New Haven Website
University discourages nonessential travel
After recent coronavirus updates, University of New Haven’s Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Rebecca Johnson shared a community update on the coronavirus in an email to students.
In the email, Johnson said that members of the University community are “strongly discouraged from nonessential international travel at this time,” because of the level 3 warnings advising against nonessential travel to China, Italy, South Korea, and Iran that the U.S State Department issued recently.
All students who have recently traveled internationally are encouraged to self-report it to Health Services and to avoid entering the West Haven or Orange campuses for at least two weeks after their arrival to the U.S. To report any sign of illness, students can access, which can be found on the Health Services tab on myCharger.
The school has also shared recommendations from the CDC for what students, faculty and the general campus community can do to avoid infection, such as washing your hands for 10 to 20 seconds, providing six feet of personal space, isolating yourself if you feel sick and cleaning and disinfecting surfaces as needed.
University employees are also encouraged to stay home if they develop a fever or a cough. If employees develop symptoms at work, they are advised to go home, call their doctor and refrain from going to Health Services.
In fact, if students or anyone on campus develops flu-like symptoms, the school encourages them to stay home and contact a medical professional to keep the campus community healthy.
“We encourage you to be wise, be cautious, and to follow the current recommendations of the CDC,” said Johnson, “Ultimately, we all have a responsibility to help ensure our safety and the well-being of the fellow members of our campus community.”

Amanda is a senior majoring in communication with a concentration in journalism, and a double minor in political science and English. She has been involved...