Chris Schnabel: Player of the week, how does it feel to get this honor knowing you were awarded it because of your high level of play?

Ronnie Nelson: “It’s great. It’s a great individual accomplishment but at the same time its just such a team sport so I have to thank everyone on my team.”
CS: To go along with New Havens player of the week, you were the NE-10 player of the week. What is it like to not only be honored by your school but the entire conference?
RN: “It’s also great. It’s just such a great accomplishment. It’s so great being honored from the school but from the whole conference, it’s pretty cool.”
CS: The team really looks like its starting to pick things up after taking the loss week one,what has changed, in the locker room and on the field to start this team up?
RN: “I think we just got a wake up call that week one loss. I feel we got put in our place, just realized we got a lot of guys that are not coming back from last year and it’s our team now. Some of us now got to step up the intensity level in practices.”
CS: You set a New Haven record with 485 total yards in the game, what did you do to prepare for this game?
RN: “Its pretty cool to have that record, I’m not going to lie. I didn’t even know that until I saw it. Its definitely cool to see the record 485, I wish I could have gotten to 500 just to have that mark but 485 isn’t that bad.”
CS: In the 485 yards you set a personal best on the ground with 171 yards and two scores, can we expect to see play like this more often as the season progresses?
RN: “I mean 171 yards is pretty tough, a lot of that came from just scrambling around and that’s not always going to happen but having [Mike] DeCaro back there, all eyes being on him is helping me sneak out of the backfield a little more.”
CS: As a personal preference, what do you like better to play in, a close game or a blowout?
RN: “I like the close games because I get to play the entire game. I mean its great getting to see the other guys go in and it’s nice not always getting beat up, but I like that close game intensity. When you win having that, come through from behind feeling, is a great feeling.”
CS: What was it like playing behind Ryan Osiecki who had an NFL opportunity?
RN: “It was good, I learned a lot, me and Ryan went at it and were teammates but at the same time on the field were competitors with each other and I think we made each other a lot better.”