Another week has come and gone, and September is already half way through. Where is the time going? Week by week time seems to go by so slow. My question always seems to be “Is it Friday yet?” But then you look back and wonder where on earth did the month go? Next thing you know, October will fly by and it will be time for Thanksgiving and Christmas. That is enough of that nonsense. I need some time to enjoy everything that I’m involved in. What good is all of it if we have to rush through everything? Life needs to build me a remote control. I mean honestly, the stores are already selling Thanksgiving stuff. Give it a few weeks and Christmas decorations will be up on the shelves.
Speaking of time moving quickly, I bet that it’s about that time of the semester when that first test for all of your classes is coming up. It’s definitely a conspiracy; I secretly believe that all of the teachers get together and plan the first test during the same week. It’s meant to test how well you can get through an extremely hard week, a week where the stress level is up to your eyes and your swimming in more information that can be absorbed in the day before three tests, one right after the other. By the end of those weeks my brain usually decides to turn to pudding. Oh the joys of college. Though, I do believe that if we couldn’t do it, we wouldn’t be here. I’m all for fast-forwarding those weeks (Skip-scene anyone?).
I find that those stressful weeks are the weeks where the littlest details seem to get on my nerves. On those days, nothing ever seems to go right and everyone is always against you. (Oh look another conspiracy.) Sometimes it seems like people just try their hardest to get on your nerves. The one thing that I always seem to notice when I’m having a “not so fabulous” day, is how many people slam a door in your face. I always hold the door open for people, especially if I know that someone is walking close enough behind me. I would appreciate it if people would do the same sometimes. Even better though, people should actually say thank you if someone holds the door for you. I know it’s tough, but if I care enough to do it then you should care enough to appreciate it. Alright, my rant is complete. I just felt that the lack of politeness needed to be addressed, especially when I see faculty and staff get treated the same way. There is no reason not to hold a door open, especially when you see someone who needs to carry something through the door. That is not acceptable.
I would, however, like to thank the people who do care enough to do nice things for people. Those are the people who can make a terrible day that much better for someone. You don’t know the type of day someone is having, but doing something so simple and nice can really help someone out. Smile at everyone you see, because you don’t know what they are really feeling, how their day is really going, or what they are really going through. All you know is that your smile could possibly make a difference in their life, even though it costs no money and takes very little effort at all. It just shows that you care. I appreciate those people.
So, to conclude my thoughts for this week, I would just like to tell everyone to stay strong through the next couple of weeks full of assignments and tests. Our fall break will be here soon enough, though for some of you it may not come fast enough. Just remember, don’t get into a habit of just letting time pass you by without enjoying the ride along the way. Enjoy the rest of the week, and good luck on all of those tests.