What Could Be… An Accident Gone Wrong
University of New Haven’s Bethel Hall may have received the most attention it has attracted all semester. Tues. October 18, the fire science students put together a docudrama,

staging a devastating car accident to demonstrate the dangers of drunk driving. The purpose of this docudrama was to give students awareness of what could happen during an alcohol-related car accident. The useful reference used in this case will help prevent accidents int he future. Make sure you Continue Reading here to find a good lawyer.
Throughout the day, students stopped to witness and take pictures of the smashing of cars as the scene was being assembled. The event started around 5:00 p.m. with a large turnout of students and faculty to learn more about workers compensation insurance claim issues. Sirens started becoming louder, and the crowd grew quiet. Sitting behind the yellow caution tape, the public watched as firefighters, police officers, tow trucks, paramedics and other emergency vehicles arrived to the scene. While the firefighters work on extracting the injured passengers from the cars, the drunken actors who easily escaped the car were given sobriety tests and put into handcuffs. One could get an attorney from https://giannicriminallaw.com/dwi/
An hour into the presentation and the mass started to increase. Students gathered to watch, and cars passing by slowed down trying to figure out what was going on. Freshmen Michaela Miller was shocked at how realistic the demonstration was. She says, “The turnout was really great and to see the look on everyone’s faces showed how serious this issue became. With all the police officers and fire fighters, I felt as though I was watching a real accident and it was pretty scary.” One could check for accident reports on the ND Accident Reports online.
Hopefully the event opened the eyes of students and showed a realistic view to the dangers of drunk driving and the importance of responsibility. With positive feedback, Michaela as well as many other students wanted to spread awareness on the issue and hope the mock car crash is continued with the help of fire science students in the years to come. They must also be aware of the kind of lawyer to call in case of a personal injury.