Want to be the class of 2022 president? Apply now
Senior year is a time filled with celebration. It is also the perfect opportunity to pick up some opportunities for resume-boosters and experience before stepping into the workforce or heading off to graduate school. For any rising seniors looking to do just that, the class of 2022 executive board is searching for their president.
The class executive boards are in charge of all class-related programming, events and opportunities for their graduates. Seasoned students at the university may remember the pre-pandemic tradition of the “Halfway to Senior Year” event held by the sophomore class, or the historic string of “Senior Week” events by that year’s graduating class.
Drew Becker, ‘22 vice president and interim president, said that the class of 2022 unfortunately missed out on the “Halfway to Senior Year” event because of the early campus closure last spring.
They said that this makes the president’s position so important, as “the entire rising senior class is expecting the class executive board to go above and beyond on Senior Week.”
The president is in charge of running the remainder of the class executive board, including the vice president, treasurer, executive assistant,and sergeant at arms. Specific duties the president will be in charge of include helping plan the winter and spring commencements, and senior week.
According to Becker, the class president also reaps the benefits of working in a small team environment, developing leadership skills, making friends and helping create a great experience for the class.
Amanda Pappas, current senior class (‘21) president, agrees with the value behind the president position.
“Being class president has truly been one of the greatest experiences and my favorite involvement on campus,” said Pappas. “Not only do you have the opportunity to interact with the class of 2021 students on a daily basis, you also get to advocate for your class in high-level meetings and put on events to celebrate all your class has accomplished.”
Students who strive for leadership, community and involvement are encouraged to get involved.
“We are looking for someone who is organized and on their game,” said Becker. “We also would like a president who strives to do good and to better themselves. It would also be nice to have someone who actively cares about our rising Senior Class and wants to make this the best Senior Week the University has seen.”
Applications for this position are located on Charger Connection under the class of 2022’s homepage, under “Forms.”
“It is imperative someone applies to this position so we can start solidifying plans for Senior Week,” said Becker. “And so the future class president can go through a transition period–and so they aren’t just thrown into the position.”

Kelly Adkins is a senior communication major with a concentration in journalism. Kelly has been a contributing writer for the Charger Bulletin since 2019...