USGA seeking more voters in current Senate election

Photo courtesy of Mia Adduci

USGA President Saniyah Brinney (left) and Vice President of Operations Cora Cogil hold a poster with voting instructions, West Haven, Aug. 24.

As the new academic year welcomes both returning students and newcomers to the university community, the Undergraduate Student Government Association (USGA), is pressing towards stronger representation within their Senate.

Saniyah Brinney, USGA’s active president, said that when assembling this year’s senate, they hope to make sure that all students feel represented. She also said that USGA is aiming to fill the Senate, which would then be composed of 25 members. If they do so, it would be the first time in eight years that USGA has a full set of Senate representatives for the undergraduate population.

“The role of USGA Senate is to represent different demographics all throughout campus,” said Brinney. “The USGA Senate are the liaisons between the student body and the USGA e-board.”

“It is very critical for us to have a senate, because if we don’t, we cannot vote on anything at all on campus,” Brinney said. This would mean that petitions cannot be brought to life, and admin cannot be approached about the issues students face within life on campus.

For those interested in more information on the current candidates, visit @unewhavensenators on Instagram. For any questions or concerns, Brinney said students can contact herself, or Cora Cogil, USGA’s vice president of operations.

Brinney also said that, as a whole, USGA is aiming to “bring back the community and unity aspect on campus.” She spoke on how she found that division across campus is likely a reason for low engagement in recent years.

“If we can start working together and coming together, building more transparency and trust within ourselves, administration and the student body, we can all collectively come together to get the projects that we need done,” she said.

There are currently 23 candidates actively running for senate, but following the conclusion of this election, Cogil said that students who are still interested can apply to be appointed in USGA meetings as an emergency senator.

Brinney and Cogil emphasized that, on their end, more voters in this election are a necessity going into this semester.

Both said that, without an elected Senate, no actions can be taken towards the undergraduate student population, as the Senate votes motion toward action. Brinney said that she hears the students’ concerns, and needs voters in this election to begin addressing them this semester.

Cogil said that if necessary voting statistics are not met, the election needs to be redone, and until the election is completed, other members on the USGA executive board, such as the open treasurer position, also cannot be voted in.

Students who vote in this election are placed in the running for one of four Amazon gift cards being given away.

Voting for the 2022-2023 academic year is open now, and will close at the end of the day on Sept. 2. For voting, and to run as an emergency senate member following the conclusion of the election, students can find the forms on Charger Connection.

Results from the senate election will be announced the Monday following the conclusion of the voting period.