Last week, the University of New Haven had its twenty-eighth Annual Alumni Scholarship Ball. The ball raised a record breaking $835,000 that will fund scholarships and various programs for the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science.
President Steven H. Kaplan was grateful for the success of the ball stating, “The generosity of our alumni and friends is always exceptional. However, the response to this year’s fundraiser for scholarships and the Lee Institute exceeded our highest hopes.”
At the event, the three UNH alumni honored with a Distinguished Alumni award were, Dolores Ennico, Shelly Stewart, Jr., and Howard Wurzak. It is events like this that should remind us that alumni support is critical to the survival of higher education. As students it is important that we support UNH in any way we can.
As you may be aware, UNH recently became a Tier One school according to the U.S. News and World Report. This is a huge achievement for UNH. While there are many factors that U.S. News uses to score a school, one of them is the alumni giving percentage. Basically, this percentage is a measure of how many alumni pledge their support over the number of alumni UNH has.
Currently UNH is having its annual Senior Challenge. For the first time, there are senior students representing their class and trying to gain support from their fellow seniors. These senior class officers are raising money toward creating a new Endowed Scholarship here to be given to a student in the future. Seniors that give toward this fund are not only helping UNH’s alumni giving percentage, but they are helping a future UNH student achieve their education.
If you are interested in finding out who the senior class officers are and supporting UNH please email Scott Davis at