Yearly Budget Deadline Approaching
This is the last Treasurer Tip before Yearly Budget. If you have not started working on it yet, I strongly encourage you to do so before Spring Break. You will have two days to complete it once we all get back, but it will most likely be much less stressful for you and your club if you work on it prior to the deadline.
All submissions must be sent to by 11:59 p.m. on March 22. Each club should have two submissions: a spreadsheet and a supplement. Do not forget that the submissions should be saved as the written out name of your club!
If you have not thought about budgets yet, don’t worry! There are still three more trainings this week:
Tuesday 9 p.m. K109
Wednesday 9 p.m. Faculty Dining Room
Friday 12:30 p.m. K107
Also, do not forget to vote this week in the 2016 USGA Elections! Your vote truly counts, so cast it and tell your friends too!
Have an awesome and safe spring break!
Anna Berardinelli
USGA Treasurer