Chargers Marching Band Revives Classic Rock

(Photo by Jason DeGroff, Band Director)
Saturday Sept. 5 kicked off the season, not only for the football team, but for the Chargers Marching Band.
You’ve probably seen them perform with unimaginable energy at half time, but what you probably don’t know is that they have been working on that performance since the middle of August.
Band members started moving in on Aug. 14 for a long week of band camp, which ended on Aug. 20.
Throughout those six days, they rose early and retired late, spending upwards of twelve hours on the burning turf. In the dead heat of August, each member worked for something greater than themselves.
“The passion this band has for music and life is absolutely incredible,” says Drum Major Kaelyn Passeri.
It is the members that give life to the show. The energy each member puts in during the long days is unbelievable, but according to junior member Gabriel Raj, performances “make all the hard work that goes into it worthwhile.”
The student members are not the only ones who take pride in performing; band director Jason DeGroff said he’s most excited to “show the band off” this season.
The show this year, which came to band director Jason DeGroff when students in his music theory class recognized “Come Sail Away” playing on his computer, features hits from the famous classic rock bands The Rolling Stones and Styx.
Cleverly titled ‘Styx and Stones,’ it’s featured songs include “Paint it Black” and “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” by The Rolling Stones as well as “Best of Times,” “Mr. Roboto,” “Too Much Time on my Hands,” and “Come Sail Away” by Styx.
DeGroff said it will be the “most energetic show we’ve ever had,” and students are just as excited to be a part of such an intense, meaningful show.
“‘Styx and Stones’ is a show that captures a generation and an all-around feel good vibe, from nostalgia to comradery,” said freshman member Stephanie Pratt.
The show this year captures the core of the band: the bond shared between each and every member.
While the show themes keep performances interesting, it is the students and their dedication that make each season more successful than the last.
“The talent that has come into the band and the dedication they bring has only made the band stronger,” said senior Jennifer Ann.
The show theme brings the band together and the bonds formed keep the band together.
“There is a really special bond in this band, we are a family,” said freshman Michael Kennedy.
Without the bonds formed through endless hours working hard next to someone doing the same thing, the band’s show would not matter.
Band is unique in that it is a huge group of people coming together under one goal: to put out the best show.
When asked what set the band apart from any other club, DeGroff replied simply with “music is a place for everybody.”
No one is turned away, students from various backgrounds and skill sets combine and learn from each other, coming together under one name: the Chargers Marching Band.