Psi Omega “Nation”, as we like to call it, is the largest chapter with over 220 members, from the American Criminal Justice Association – LAE at the University of New Haven partook in the 2013 Region 4 Conference at the Delaware Technical Community College with a theme in Tomorrow’s Policing Today!

43 students including 2 foreign exchange students from Korea National Police University attended and we are proud to announce that we won 37 awards including Sweepstake Award, Top Academic Award, and an honorable mention of professionalism in lieu of the Spirit Award.Students were challenged over the past 2 days (Oct. 17-19th) with taking 5 academic tests (Criminal Law, Police Management, ACJA/LAE Knowledge, Juvenile Justice, Corrections), investigating a mock crime scene in the hotel, firearms competition, and physical agility.
On top of all of this, the members attended a day of presentations related to the theme. Delaware State Police presented on Delaware Information & Analysis Center (fusion center), Suspicious Activity Reporting and explosive detection, and the Active Shooter, while one of ACJA’s own members Detective Walsh from the Internet Crimes Against Children Unit in Delaware County, PA presented on Cyber Crimes!
Members in attendance received a great deal of information from the presentations and were able to apply their classroom skills to the academics and crime scene tests. We would like to thank the Bartel’s Family and the Provost Discretionary Fund, Dean Gaboury (Dean of Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences) as well as the Undergraduate Student Government Association (USGA) for their continuous support in making our attendance at the conferences possible.
Finally, we are proud to announce that one of our foreign exchange students took home 2 trophies, including 1st place in Juvenile Justice written exam! Congratulations to the following members & award winners:
Criminal Law – Stefanie Perillo (Lower 3rd), Rebecca Long (Lower 2nd), Kristen O’Keeffe (Upper 2nd), Marissa Boyle (Upper 1st), Professor Maxwell (Professional 3rd).
ACJA/LAE Knowledge – Hadiya Alexander (Lower 3rd), Alyssa Turgeon (Lower 2nd), Stefanie Perillo (Lower 1st), Marissa Boyle (Upper 2nd), RJ Irons (Upper 1st).
Corrections – Stefanie Perillo (Lower 3rd), Rebecca Long (Lower 2nd), Gabrielle Hartley (Lower 1st), Ana Abraham (Upper 2nd), Professor Maxwell (Professional 2nd).
Juvenile Justice – Jessica Markure (Lower 3rd), Hadiya Alexander (Lower 2nd), Shinwoo Kim (Lower 1st), Maegan Moran (Upper 2nd), Ali Shapiro (Upper 1st), Professor Maxwell (Professional 1st).
Police Management – Rebecca Long (Lower 2nd), Ana Abraham (Upper 3rd), Kristen O’Keeffe (Upper 1st), Professor Maxwell (Professional 3rd).
Crime Scene – Alyssa Turgeon, Stefanie Perillo, Angela Cohen (Lower 3rd place team), Sabrina Orsi, Paige Boss, Valeria Diaz (Lower 2nd place team), Mike Renga, Sarah Skawinski, Shinwoo Kim (Upper 3rd place team), Maegan Moran, Jessica Higgins, Hadiya Alexander (Upper 1st place team).
Physical Agility – Amber Ferreira (1st place Female 25 & Under).
Firearms – Sean Lively (Lower 2nd), Ryan Elblein (Upper 3rd), Joey Zuccaro (Upper 2nd), Tyler Benson, Kelly Bower, Sean Lively (Lower 1st place team), Joey DeFrancesco, Ryan Elblein, Niko Saledas (Upper 1st place team).
Top Academic Award – Professor Maxwell
Sweepstake Award!!!