Preview of Theatre Production “The Wolves”

Preview of Theatre Production "The Wolves"

For thousands of years and in a variety of cultures and traditions, wolves have symbolized loyalty.

The University of New Haven’s production of “​The Wolves” captures those values to the core. Director Jonathan Yukich, lecturer and co-coordinator of the school’s theater program, said he was inspired after seeing the production in 2017 at New York’s Lincoln Center.

“There’s a lot going on,” said Yukich. “They talk about a lot of pressing issues happening today. There’s a lot of emotions, from humor to tragedy, from compassion to grief. It’s really a roller coaster that’s under 90 minutes.”

The show follows a soccer team and their interactions; part of the audition involved playing soccer.

Samantha Slaza, a senior theater arts major, plays #7. She said she played soccer before but only as a goalie.

“For me, it was like getting off the goalie drills and going into the actual playing of soccer drills,” she said. “It was much more different for me, kind of a good curveball.”

Stefania Sassano, a junior communications major, plays #13, and she said she has never played soccer, but knew the basics and said that that was helpful.

Both Slaza and Sassano said the rehearsal process has ramped up now that the show opens soon. They say they have gotten in touch with their characters, which has helped them realize things about themselves

“We really want to get the essence that these girls have been with each other since day one,” Slaza said. “We’re trying to get the lines down and get the soccer techniques down because we want everyone to feel that team dynamic.”

When the show is over, though, everyone involve — including Yukich — said they will feel a loss. “The Wolves”​ will be Sassano’s last show for the year because she wants to take a break.

“Soccer is my favorite sport, and to have that implemented into a play makes it much more exciting, so when it’s over, I’m going to be pretty sad,” she said.

Yukich says he will mostly miss being around all the students and their energy.

“Theater is like that, you know,” he said. “It happens, and it’s beautiful in the moment, and then it just disappears. This has definitely been that way for me, and I’ve really enjoyed being around the wonderful people involved.”

“The Wolves”​ opens 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Bucknall Theater. The run continues through Saturday. Tickets are available at the door and on for $15 General admission is $10 for seniors, people in the military ,and people with a University ID, and $5 for students.