Our editorial standards: A commitment

Since 1928, the Charger Bulletin has served as the official news source of the University of New Haven, striving for timeliness, accuracy and hard-hitting news to keep our community informed.

The opinions section – inclusive of all editorial, perspective and satirical pieces – is an area for students and university affiliates to publish pieces on topics about which they are passionate. As a news outlet, we enjoy all the freedoms and protections of the First Amendment, and we subscribe to the belief that free thought and discourse are a cornerstone to a progressing and ever-changing society.

The editorial staff finds publishing topics that incorporate hate speech, as defined by the American Library Association, is an active hindrance to the Charger Bulletin’s goals. In order to ensure that articles are grounded in fact and devoid of harmful prejudice, the editorial staff commits to ensuring the information provided is accurate, up-to-date and properly attributed.

In an effort to support and facilitate constructive community discourse, opinion articles reflect the perspectives and beliefs of their respective author(s), not those of either the Charger Bulletin publication, holistically, or its individual staff. It is the editorial staff’s expectation that all author(s) are individually responsible for responding to reader’s criticisms and concerns of their content in accordance with the SPJ Code of Ethics.

The Charger Bulletin has maintained 94 years of success under this philosophy, and the spring 2022 editorial staff anticipates continued success as they uphold these precepts for another year.