Move in Day 2010 was probably the one day hundreds of incoming freshman looked forward to the most, all summer long. Sunday, August 22, proved to be an exciting day as the freshman class of 2014 moved into their residence halls and finally began college life. The Office of Student Activities and the Office of Residential Life worked hard to make sure that the move in flowed smoothly for all students and their families. Opening day is one of the busiest days on campus every year, but it is filled with a lot of fun and interesting things for students to do. After check-in, ranging from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., students had the chance to visit informational booths, grab lunch, attend convocation, take their class photograph, and have dinner with their orientation groups.

Not all of the freshman class moved in on Sunday however. Those students who chose to apply to live in the Living and Learning Communities moved in on Friday, August 20. About 500 LLC students moved into the various buildings, which included New Hall, Botwinik, Bixler, and the Ruden Street and Campbell Ave apartments. All students then had dinner with each of their respective LLCs, which were followed by community builders. On Saturday, they participated in Orientation activities, evening games, and an ice cream social.
As always, to help the freshman class move in, the Welcome Wagon crew was on campus with their red shirts and orange bins to make unloading cars quick and easy. Working both on Friday, to help the LLC move in, and on Sunday to help the rest of the Freshman Class, the Welcome Wagon volunteers helped unload cars and helped students bring their belongings up to their dorm rooms, even while working in not so cooperative weather on Sunday. They are a tradition of Opening day, especially since they are the first people a new student meets when they first arrive on campus.
The rest of the returning undergraduates moved in on Monday, August 22, and that means that Welcome Week has officially begun.