Saturday morning, March 5, the University of New Haven marching band held an Explore UNH day, and welcomed over fifty prospective students and their parents.

(Photo by Stephanie Parillo)
The morning began in Bucknall Theatre with a presentation from admissions followed by a presentation from band director Jason DeGroff. Shortly after the presentations, the drumline performed a number of exercises as well as a cadence to end the events at the theatre.
Following the performance,` the students were split into groups based on the section of the band they wish to join in the fall. Each group went into its own “master class” where the visiting students could meet and practice with current band members on the same instruments.
“The master classes allow the incoming freshman to play with their future sections and exposes them to the music, exercises, and etiquette that they will experience in the fall,” said band member Meredith Narowski.
During the classes, the new students learned basic exercises and even next year’s show music alongside current members.
They were conducted like a typical practice to make the visiting members feel like they were already members. “They get a glimpse into the program and how we operate during rehearsals,” said drum major Erin Snyder.
These master classes were a fantastic way to allow the visiting members to interact with the current members in a setting similar to what they would encounter as a member of the marching band.
Freshman band member Sam Cosnoski remembers her explore UNH day. “As an incoming freshman, having the chance to spend a day with some of the people I would be spending the majority of my fall semester with was what really confirmed my choice in UNH. Now, as a returning member, it’s great to have the chance to help other incoming students experience what the band is like and help them feel more confident in their decisions.”
The mini classes turned out to be a rewarding experience for both the perspective and current members.
“It was an amazing experience working together with the future of the band,” said band member Bailey Lanzilotta.
The visiting students were invited to join current band members for lunch at Bartels to end the day. It was a chance for the visiting members to interact with the current members to feel like a part of the marching band family.
Overall, the day was a huge success for everyone involved.
“I think this day gave both parents and students the experience they wanted and hope for the future,” said drum major Kaelyn Passeri.
The Marching Band Explore UNH Day brought in many accepted and perspective students and made them feel at home at UNH.
Jon • Mar 11, 2016 at 8:09 am
Um, *Prospective?