It’s almost midway through the spring semester, and I’m sure all of you have begun your research for your midterm and final projects. But just in case you haven’t, the Library wants to make sure that you are aware of all the resources available through the Library to assist you with your research needs. Remember, random websites, including Wikipedia, may appear to have accurate information, however, you can’t always trust these sites to be reliable or up to date. These websites do not necessarily have people verifying the information, and these sources can be written by anyone (really, we mean anyone). Just because it is found on the web does not mean that the information is correct. The resources found in the Library and produced by the Library staff will help ensure that you are using valid, accurate, credible information.
One of these resources is LibGuides, which help you find resources and information specific to a topic or class. With a collection of over 70 and growing, these subject guides cover an array of academic subjects: from Forensic Science, to style Citation Guides, to understanding basic search techniques, and they now include video tutorials to further assist users. Each LibGuide demonstrates how to find appropriate books in the library, how to select the correct electronic databases to find journal articles, useful links to additional websites, and other useful tips and suggestions from the Librarians. There is even a LibGuide titled “Evaluating Websites for Academic Research,” that provides information on what makes a website reliable and trustworthy to use for your academic research.
Most of these research guides now contain customized video tutorials with voice instructions on how to search, find, and access sources specific to each topic. Each demonstration shows and describes how to perform an actual search with specific examples in each subject area. The Librarians have also created a new section titled, “Library Skills,” that teaches patrons how to access and utilize the library’s resources. Stuck trying to do research late at night and not sure how to access the journal articles available through the Library? One of our guides, “Databases Demystified,” contains step by step directions on selecting relevant databases based on your topic and how to search them for relevant academic sources. Remember, just like our collection of databases, LibGuides can be accessed 24 hours a day through the Library homepage.
As a member of the UNH community, please feel free to suggest topics for guides that you think the Librarians should create. Faculty can also make use of this great resource by working with the Librarians to develop course guides that can used as a resource for students. Some professors have already taken advantage of this service, and LibGuides have been created specifically for their class. These particular guides contain resources and links to assist students with their assignments and readings. Find our collection of LibGuides by selecting “Guides” from the UNH library homepage ( or by going directly to If you have any questions or need help accessing or using LibGuides, please stop by the Library’s Information Desk, call the Information Desk at (203) 932-7189, or email us at