Letter to the Editor: Regarding “Mold and Damage Go Unaddressed”
I would like to address several inaccuracies in the Charger Bulletin story titled “Mold and Damage Go Unaddressed.”
The two work orders referenced in this story were submitted on the same day. The ceiling issue was investigated immediately, and the area of concern was determined to be a small sheetrock patch directly above a kitchen cabinet that needed to be refastened. The company that manages Savin Court Apartments made repairs during fall break, and Facilities followed up to ensure the repair was completed.
The second work order, sent in as a mold concern, was also inspected and determined to be a water stain that will be attended to as part of the emergency water restoration in the ongoing routine maintenance.
Work requests, when received, are triaged by planning staff and assigned priority, with the highest priority given to emergency/safety issues. Emergency work orders are responded to immediately to address any dangerous conditions. While work orders can be submitted online through the Facilities portal, emergency requests should be called in to 932-7807 (24/7) so they can be addressed immediately.
All work requests for the housing facilities not on main campus that the University leases, including the Savin Court Apartments, are emailed directly to the building management company. The University’s Facilities department monitors the completion of all work requests sent to the building management company and ensures all repairs are completed in a timely manner.
Please know that the Office of Facilities is committed to the safety, health, and wellbeing of all of our students and to ensuring all of our resident students live in residence halls that enable them to thrive as students.
Louis C. Annino Jr. P.E., CPE
Associate Vice President
Office of Facilities