Letter to the Editor: Response to Letter on Kappa Sigma Colony

We the Kappa Sigma Fraternity wish to respond to a recently published article about our West Haven Colony. In April of this year, several students of the University of New Haven contacted Kappa Sigma of their own accord and expressed their desire to become affiliated. It is not now nor has it been our practice to preempt recruitment at universities where there is not yet demonstrable interest. UNH students, of their own free will, assessed the current offering of Inter Fraternity Council Greek organizations and presumably found much left to be desired. Over forty UNH students and members of your community therefore took the initiative to create something new and satisfactory and successfully petitioned the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Kappa Sigma desires in every circumstance to work as partners with the universities our members attend. The group of students took all steps to create this partnership, but were unsuccessful. Kappa Sigma respects the university’s decision and priorities.

Kappa Sigma has priorities that may not necessarily align with the University of New Haven IFC. We seek first and foremost to offer the pinnacle of positive Greek life experience to any student who proves themselves worthy of membership. After examining the school’s existing Greek life composition and assessing the needs and gaps described by the petitioning students, Kappa Sigma decided to establish the West Haven Colony. Kappa Sigma volunteers, staff, and the petitioning undergraduates established an agreement with university administrator Gregory Overend, to not use UNH trademarks and logos, imply university recognition, or use campus facilities for colony events. The colony has fully honored this agreement and will continue to do so until recognition status changes.

Kappa Sigma wishes to make it clear to the IFC that the fraternity will fully support our colony members and continue to honor the right of students to freely associate with whomever they choose. Make no mistake, only the Kappa Sigma Fraternity and the members thereof decide who represents our organization. The University of New Haven IFC cannot and will not decide who can obtain the privilege of Kappa Sigma membership.

In its two months of existence, the West Haven Colony has accumulated over 600 hours of community service throughout the Greater New Haven area and continues to work to better its community. Kappa Sigma takes great pride in our position as the largest and most successful college fraternity. The West Haven Colony will continue to perform not simply at the level expected by the University of New Haven IFC of its member chapters. It will perform at the level that has made Kappa Sigma the singular dominant fraternity in the world and afford an example that others may equal, but none excel.

Kappa Sigma looks forward to a long and mutually beneficial partnership with the University, its students, and Greek Life.