November 8 marked the second Graduate Student Showcase at UNH. The showcase was created to allow graduate students the opportunity to present what they have been working on during their graduate collegiate career.

“There was no outlet for grad students to show their research,” said Milva McGhee, Interim Coordinator of Graduate Services.
Students presented a vast variety of exhibitions including, but not limited to, the development of new treatments for Lyme disease, new strategies to recruit varied executive talent, studying the sensory effects of art and music in primary school, identifying new treatments for cancer and a study that shows how attractiveness relates to competitive advantage.
The event took place in the Alumni Lounge, located on the third floor of the Bartels Campus Center. Over a dozen graduate students took advantage of the opportunity to showcase their graduate studies. Presentations were set up throughout the lounge, and guests were able to meet and greet with presenters.
In addition to the showcase, several students gave oral presentations of their projects. Those students were given 15 minutes to explain their projects in more detail and open up the floor for discussion and further questions.
Graduate student Leslie Dawes took advantage of the Henry C. Lee Study Abroad Program and went to Russia last summer as a part of her graduate studies. Her program included analyzing the Russian criminal justice system and working with Russian police officers, lawyers and judges.
While abroad, Dawes was pleasantly overwhelmed with Russian culture and would recommend that all students take advantage of studying abroad if possible. “…it exposes students to the history and cultures of other countries,” Dawes said.
Graduate student Tinantin Tsitlavishvili presented her project on Cellular and Molecular Biology, and although she is currently searching for a job pending her December 2012 graduation, she is also very focused on having her project published.
The Graduate Showcase was an outlet for graduate students to show fellow students, professors, employers, family and friends a summary of what they have diligently been working on during their graduate studies. Current and future graduate students are encouraged to participate in future showcases.
For further information, students should contact the Graduate Student Showcase chairperson, Milva McGhee at