As the semester comes to a close and everyone begins to scramble to study for tests and finish those enormous papers, it is important to not lose sight of your goals for your clubs and organizations for the upcoming spring semester. I know that many clubs and organizations elect a new executive board to lead them through the spring semester, summer, and then fall. This choice is often wise so that information is not lost over the course of the summer break. Other clubs and organizations prefer a fresh start for the upcoming year and elect at the end of the spring semester so that the new board can work over the summer. It does not matter when or how you elect your new board; what is most important is that you make sure that the information is transferred from the old to new officers.
This year, as the USGA Treasurer, I have seen many new treasurers struggle, because there were miscommunications or lack of help from the previous treasurer. I am always here for help, however sometimes that is not enough. I am asking that all executive boards take the time to properly train their new replacements. Holding an executive board position is a tremendous opportunity. However, being the treasurer of a club or organization is special, because it gives you the power to oversee an entire budget. The USGA prides itself on giving treasurers the responsibility to manage budgets that on average are $2,000.00. This is an opportunity that is exciting, but a responsibility that cannot be taken lightly!
Therefore, I ask that as a newly elected treasurer you do the following: 1. Never be afraid to ask questions and come visit me during my office hours, 2. Familiarize yourself with the treasurer related documents on, and 3. Place your signature on file with me by stopping by to review paperwork.
Congrats to the newly elected treasurers! I am looking forward to another great semester working with those who are old and new.