They finally decided to renovate the cafeteria after closing it all summer for the renovations that they didn’t do. Hopefully it will actually allow for more room for people to sit, but we can only hope. Though it doesn’t seem that room to sit is the main issue as much as the lines are an issue. Hence why I love Top Hits and Take 3–they’d better keep those around.
Whoa! The mailroom, after YEARS of complaining, has finally repented their ways and found grace in the Will of the Student Body. They have extended their hours from 10a.m. to 5p.m. without that awful break that they usually have during the only time people can seem to stop by the mailroom. You now have our blessing.
Shootings, robberies, and texts–oh my! Crime around campus is increasing as our campus is growing ‘increasingly safer’. Thanks for actually using the texts this time, but that doesn’t mean we feel safe. As someone pointed out to me, because of these incidents we’re now going to get texts for every single little incident so that no one gets in trouble. I guess we’ll see.
Fires, evacuations, and texts–oh my! With the gas leak in Dunham and Winchester along with the fire in New Hall, we did very well with Fire Prevention week, now didn’t we? There were even rumors around campus about a fog machine setting off the fire alarms somewhere. Who knows anymore but either way I’m losing faith fast in campus safety.