Vehicle enthusiasts attend Imports and Domestics Club car show
Photo courtesy of Charger Bulletin/Presley DePugh.
Lego pieces are enhancing the look under the hood, West Haven, April 10, 2023.
Conor Bradshaw, a mechanical and engineering student at the University of New Haven, had a passion for cars and imports of the like. In 2017, Bradshaw passed away, and soon after the Imports and Domestics Club was created in his honor. A year later, the club’s first car show was held, allowing students to check out custom cars and other models.
Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic hitting the United States in 2020, the car show was put on hold. The tradition has been brought back for the first time since, with the outdoor event held this past Saturday at the Railroad Salvage Lot. A cloudless sky and warm temperature marked the perfect day for such an event.
Kyle Kanaitis, a university alumnus and founder of the club who was friends with Bradshaw, expressed joy for the organization being able to pull off this event. He was especially excited to see Bradshaw’s Audi TT.
Most of all, Kanaitis was “proud that our members are our upcoming leaders in the club.”
One of these members includes the current Imports and Domestics Club vice president Kayla Cofran, who was able to recollect the moment she decided to join the club.
“Honestly, I had always had an interest in cars, but I never really knew if I fit into the car scene,” said Cofran. She said that she was on her way to another car show with her friend and current club president Patrick Coyle when their car broke down. Kanaitis helped the pair and went as far as to extend an invitation to a club meeting, which they accepted.
“It just felt like I belonged there, and it was a really inclusive club,” said Cofran. “Everybody was so welcoming and it really helped me foster my love of cars even more, so I just stuck with the club.”
Another anticipation of Cofran’s was to see all the muscle cars shown off, such as older Plymouths and Chryslers. Another standout car of the morning was a Volkswagen with custom additions made to the engine, such as Lego pieces, adding to the car’s aesthetic.

Presley DePugh is in the class of 2024 and majors in Communications with a concentration in TV/Video Production. She is also a Charger Ambassador and a...