Yes, college students love snow days, too

Photo courtesy of Charger Bulletin/Presley DePugh.

The SAE flag flies in the Bixler/Gerber quad, West Haven, Feb. 28, 2023.

Mass emails and text messages went out from Ron Quagliani, the associate vice president of public safety and administrative services. These messages said that any in-person classes beginning before 4 p.m. on Feb. 28 would be held remotely due to precautions with the snowfall that day.
Students either stayed inside for warmth and relaxation, or they ventured out into the snowy campus to have some fun. The latter of which is what the brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) decided to do.
If you were anywhere near the Bixler/Gerber quad during the early afternoon this past Tuesday, you know it was a sight to see SAE having a snowball fight.
Andrew Morin, a junior esports business major and brother of SAE, said the snow day was “all of a sudden.” Morin said that they were all planning out flyers to hand out and got the message out about their snow events by 2 p.m. the same day.
These events were planned by Chris Protheroe, a sophomore cybersecurity student and an SAE logistics chairman. Since this was the first snow day of the semester, Protheroe thought “it’d be a great idea to get out here [and] have a snowball fight.” The snowball fight was such a success that SAE had people coming out that were not brothers.
Protheroe said many who hated snow did not come out, but some snow-haters did come out for support. Matt Giammanco, a freshman music and sound recording, hates snow but ended up being covered in it during the snow day.
The SAE members also built a giant snowman, which they had Thomas Fang, a first-year national security major, climb on top of while wearing an SAE flag.
Protheroe said that the next events of the day for SAE were drinking hot chocolate and warming up after being out in the cold for so long.
The random snow day event provided a release for the SAE members, especially being so close to midterms.