Imagine a place on campus with more than just the common room couches and TVs to spend time with your friends and have a good time.

(Photo by Ashley Wemmell/Charger Bulletin photo)
Pool tables in one corner, air hockey in another, arcade style games lining every wall with big flat screen TVs hooked up to gaming consoles, ping pong tables and foosball throughout the room: the perfect layout for entertainment and fun for hours.
You have just imagined the Bergami game room, located on the first floor of the freshman residence hall Bergami.
On Sept. 8 students filled the Bergami game room for fun, food, and foosball.
The grand opening was complete with friendly competition and cake.
The long anticipated opening was a success, with games being played and friendships being made long after the last person left.
Featuring everything from ping pong to console games, the game room offers something for everyone. It’s the perfect place to create events and tournaments, forming friendships and facilitating student involvement.
Even when you go to the game room alone you never leave without making a friend, which freshman Bridget McHale attests to saying “even if you go by yourself people tend to let you join if you ask.”
The game room offers a friendly, all-inclusive atmosphere for students looking to unwind from a hard day of classes, or even just looking to meet some new people.
Students favor going to the game room after a long day of classes to relax and unwind with friends. Many students, like freshman Nash Khairi, describe it as “a great place to distress.”
After countless calculus problems and boring biology terms some students just need to beat their best friends in air hockey or be deemed the foosball champion.
The game room provides students with an ideal friendly-competition atmosphere. That atmosphere is one reason so many students enjoy it, “it’s a great place to have fun with friends and enjoy the friendly competition,” said freshman Kiannette Acosta.
The game room will now be open daily for students to enjoy.