By Rob Hanson – President, ACJA
This year, Mar. 12 marked the day that most students started celebrating spring break and a time off from their studies. However myself and 14 other students did not. Over the past 6 months the American Criminal Justice Association has been working hard to fundraise enough money to support out trip to the national conference.

This year the trip was to Portland, Oregon. Over the past 2 years, ACJA has had a great result at both the national and regional conferences for competition. During the weeklong conference students networked with various departments and agencies from across the nation. A few of the main guest speakers were from the Transportation Security Administration, United Stated Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, and Customs and Boarder Patrol Enforcement Agency. Students had spent several months prior to this trip studying for the academics portion of the competition. All competed in the following tests: criminal law, corrections, juvenile justice, police management, and LAE knowledge. UNH successfully placed in all academic tests.
The following day students competed in crime scene, firearms, and physical agility. In all of these categories UNH returned with awards. I am proud, as the president of the organization, to say I have never seen such a professional, talented, or more dedicated group of students attend such a conference. Between fundraising, footing out of pocket expenses, representing the university community, and performance in tests, the students on the ACJA trip showcased a standard to a national audience of what UNH teaches their students.