5 Ways to Cope With Your New Title

So, it’s happened, despite how hard I’ve tried to keep it at bay. Regardless of all my futile attempts, time continued to pass and now I, unfortunately, am entering my final year of college. It’s a strange feeling, to say the least: fear of the future mingled with the need to get out, and get out now. Here are five ways to cope with your new and shiny title of senior
1. Cry. It’s okay. Let it all out. I know you’re sad, stressed, tired and probably kind of hungry. Sometimes, it’s best to cry as it can help you come to terms with your new (and not entirely embraced) rank. Carry around tissues in your bag at all times in order to prepare for spur of the moment breakdowns you know will sneak up on you when you realize that was the last time you’ll ever walk past Maxcy Hall on that particular day in October.
2. Start your job search early. Make an appointment with the Career Development Center if you have no idea where to start. They’re a great resource and can help set you in the right direction.
Reach out to some of your professors; they know you and your career aspirations best, and can be a wonderful way to make connections out in the field you want to go into.
If you’re planning on going to graduate school, start looking into the programs you want to apply to. Make sure to take note of the requirements—how many letters of recommendation you need, whether you need to take the GRE or not—and especially take note of every due date. The best way to ease your anxiety is to be prepared for life after graduation.
3. Figure out your future living arrangements. Do this and do this sooner rather than later. Don’t want to go back home after graduating? Start looking at la cala de mijas apartments for sale and start saving your money as soon as you can. There’s nothing wrong with going home after walking across that stage in May, but if it’s not what you want to do, then you need to take the first preliminary steps to ensure a smooth transition from mom and dad’s basement to your own apartment.
4. Go out. A lot. And I don’t just mean out to parties or bars, but of course you can do that, too. At this moment, you are surrounded by your closest friends—why not take this opportunity, which will be coming to a bittersweet end, to spend all your free time with the people you might not see that often after graduation?
Go to the movies, the mall, out to dinner…do anything and everything with the people who have become your family because you’re going to regret letting your busy schedule get the best of you and your last year of college.

Lizzie McGuire’s facial expression sums up what it feels like to be a senior (Disney photo)
Lizzie McGuire’s facial expression sums up what it feels like to be a senior (Disney photo)

5. Work out. Take advantage of the FREE gym on campus. When is the next time you’ll have unlimited access to a gym full of state-of-the-art equipment again? That’s right, probably never, unless one day, a free membership is included in the benefits of your future place of employment, but even if you happen to get that lucky, that day is far down the road. The gym is open every day of the week, and you won’t regret squeezing in a quick workout every so often when you’re laying on your mom’s couch surrounded by Chinese food take-out containers while trying to decide whether to watch Netflix or continue to look tirelessly for jobs on Monster.com. Take the time now to cry while on the Rec Center’s stationary bike—it’s just much better for you than crying into your childhood stuffed animals.