Find sisterhood during greek life spring recruitment
Inside of the National Panhellenic Conference open house, West Haven, Feb. 12, 2022.
With the second semester well underway, the university’s greek life organizations have been promoting their spring recruitment by hosting tabling events in Bartels Hall and posting informational flyers on social media.
During a recent interview with one of the university’s sororities, Delta Phi Epsilon, E-board member Raven Loney, a sophomore graphic design major, said she strongly encourages those who are interested in greek life to join the community.
“We welcome anyone and everyone, and pride ourselves in our philanthropies,” said Loney. “We are constantly working to fundraise, raise awareness for current events, and help the campus and community in any way we can.”
As the Coordinator of Website Management and Public Relations for Delta Phi Epsilon, Loney understands the commitment it takes to engage students and encourage them to join greek life at the university. In spite of the stigmas that surround greek life and sororities in general, Loney says their organization encourages all students to participate and join their sisterhood.
“Trust me when I say that I found some of the greatest people I will ever meet once I became a part of Greek Life,” she said.
Other sororities at the University of New Haven include Phi Sigma Sigma, Chi Kappa Rho, Omega Phi Beta, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha, Alpha Sigma Kappa and Gamma Sigma Alpha.
During a recent interview with Phi Sigma Sigma, GinaMarie Lenardo, a junior forensic science major, spoke about her duties as the public relations chair and historian for her sorority.
Lenardo gave advice to incoming members, saying, “be yourself and allow the experience to guide you. Greek Life is such a welcoming place for students and when you allow yourself to fully experience recruitment, you have an overall appreciation and deeper understanding as to why you may have come out in the first place.”
Alpha Sigma is another sorority on campus that is looking for new members to recruit. Shyla Edwards, a junior health science major, shared what it’s like to work with a sorority in the public relations and recruitment field. She also encouraged students who are interested in recruitment to step outside of their comfort zone and ask questions.
“Be yourself and be open to meeting all the new girls,” Edwards said. “There’s a lot of us so it can be a little overwhelming. Keep in mind that we’re just as scared as you guys most of the time, so just be yourself and be relaxed because we’re nervous just like you.”
As the current President of Chi Kappa Rho, Erin Berger encourages all students interested in Greek Life to join the community. “Recruitment can definitely be an exciting and often nerve-wracking time for those who make the decision to go Greek. Incoming members who do decide to join any of the organizations for recruitment should always be themselves.”
Berger said that many students may feel intimidated by the process at first, but assured them that the sorority members at the university are “amazing people that are nothing short of welcoming.”
“While Greek life may not appeal to everyone,” Berger said, “ it’s definitely a fantastic way to get involved on campus and a perfect way to make forever friends.”
Following the spring recruitment process, Chi Kappa Rho will be hosting several campus-wide events, such as March MADDness and their annual spring fashion show, among others.
If you are interested in joining a sorority on campus, make sure to check out the daily tabling sessions located in the Bartels lobby.
Updated February 15, 2022

Saige Batza (she/her) is a sophomore psychology major with a concentration in community and society. She looks forward to another year of hard work for...