It’s that time of the year again; the time of stress, all-nighters and studying last minute.
To start, this week will pass in a flash. This means the last chance to start studying for final exams and finishing final projects is right in front of us.
Think of this as a math equation. Procrastination equals waiting until the last minute to begin on assignments and waiting until the last-minute equals all-nighters, which leads to subpar work and potentially missing the very final you studied so hard to pass.
Your professors are your best friends, especially during these times. Take advantage of office hours if you have questions about any finals, or even just to see if you are on the right track with your studies. Professors usually do not get enough people going to their office hours, or students scheduling, so the odds are in your favor that you will be given a meeting time to your benefit.
However, do not simply go to them asking what you should do to prepare. Bring a list of questions that you need answered (writing them down always helps). This shows you planned for the meeting and are willing to be thorough about studying for and completing the final. Professors are more likely to give a more thorough answer and may even offer some hints as an extra bonus to nudge you in the right direction.
A third tip is to remember your classmates. They are right there alongside you struggling with finals, making the grind easier when you have a friend to help you out. Push aside your social anxiety; a second student’s perspective could mean the difference between understanding and not understanding an assignment.
It is not just about studying that allows you to retain knowledge. Use effective study habits such as the Pomodoro technique, a 15-minute break for every 45 minutes of undisturbed work, to complete tasks in high-energy bursts instead of a slow and unbearable hour of study.
Another effective study habit is the quiz-and-recall method. Prepare a mock quiz and check the answers. Circle back to the incorrect questions until you answer each one perfectly.
Sleep is also a necessary factor. It is a common misconception among college students that all-nighters are a must to succeed. This is wrong, because all-nighters do more harm than good. Seeking to cram the night before is not a good way to learn anything and you always run the risk of sleeping through the test.
Be sure to de-stress and relax. Take a couple of hours and de-stress with friends. Go outside and enjoy the sunshine. Stay away from the computer. This will allow you to get back to studying with a fresh mind and a new outlook.