Fellow UNH students,
USGA elections time is here! Applications are available on chargervoice.com
The positions that are available are USGA President, USGA Treasurer, and 20 positions are open for USGA Senators. As it stands right now, there is only one application for all of these positions. So hurry up and get moving. For any questions on elections, please e-mail USGAElections@newhaven.edu.
Media Head selection is also rapidly approaching. If you are interested in applying to become a Media Head, applications are available until March 7, 2011. If you have any questions about the Media Head Selection Process, please e-mail me at USGAPresident@newhaven.edu.
I encourage any students who have any questions about UNH or how to get involved to come visit the USGA offices located on the third floor of Bartels Hall. Anytime of the day, you can find students who will be able to answer your questions or help you any way they can. As always if you have any concerns, log onto www.chargervoice.com and “Let your voice be heard.”
Have a great week,
Scott Kazar
USGA President