By James Crowell, USGA Senator
This week’s USGA Meeting took place at 10 a.m. in the German Club, where the following occurred:
+ The Miscellaneous Fund for USGA is currently at $15,752.20. A reminder to all RSOs that your budgets may not be used for any materials/equipment that would be exclusively used next year. Speaking of budgets, yearly budget is right around the corner and should be discussed at the upcoming USGA meeting.
+ On Wednesday, May 7, there will be a small going away gathering for Andrew Mayer from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., so if you or anyone from your organization would like to say goodbye to Andrew, thank him for all that he’s done, or wish him luck in his future endeavors, please stop by.
+ Two presentations were made concerning luxuries for campus next year. The first was Filo TV; a wireless streaming system to watch television as well as a Netflix style service, which would replace traditional cable on campus. Sodexo also came to speak on meal plan changes and how the opening of FoD; a kiosk based dining service to be introduced to campus.
+ In USGA news, appointments were made for next year’s USGA Executive Board
positions. Sean McFadden went up for Senior Vice President, Jenn
Harrington for Vice President of Operations, James Kielar for Sergeant at Arms,
Samantha Salvio for Executive Assistant and Aldo Galluci for Assistant Treasurer.
Voting took place for confirmation of these appointments with results expected soon.
+ The final USGA meeting for the year will be held Friday at 10 a.m. in the German
Club. Please feel free to attend. If you have any questions or concerns with how
USGA is running or how to get involved, feel free to contact myself or any of the other
USGA Senators. Have a wonderful day and thanks for reading.