I am going to start off with a few numbers unrelated to this editorial topic. First off, there are only three weeks left of school. This is the second to last issue of The Charger Bulletin. And lastly, there is only one full week of classes left before final exams. School will be over in three, two, one. It is high time to get things in order. I have already started taking my massive amounts of stuff home or throwing things out. I suggest you all do the same to avoid chaos or the need for a U-Haul the day of your last final.
However, the time for a sappy “I’m sorry the school year is ending” editorial is not this week. (You all can look forward to it next week though.) I want to address all of the updates that are occurring on campus. The student body received an email with details as to various programs and service improvements that are taking place within the Department of Public Safety. Many of you probably saw the email and deleted it without a further glance. However, for those of you with sparked curiosity, you found an email that contained an update on safety, transportation, and parking: three very good things to update from time to time.
If you still have that email, take a look at it, because there are a lot of good things in there you should be aware of, especially if you are NOT a senior and are going to be a student here for at least one more year. Seniors these updates are a good thing, things I wish we could get a chance to use along with the rest of the student body. I’m going to cover some of the updates that I think are a really positive thing for this campus, updates that I think everyone should know are coming and should utilize. We would not want these updates to go to waste now would we?
The first improvement comes with lighting updates. According to the email, there will be additional lighting installed in both the Kaplan and Library lots and there will even be work done to try to get lighting improved on the routes to both Forest Hills and North Campus. Those are two places where new and improved lighting needs to be implemented. To add to the safety aspect, there will be additional cameras installed throughout campus, especially along the Forest Hills route as well. But that is not all. All new entrance to campus at the corner of Ruden Street and Isadore Street will contain a security kiosk to increase the security in that area as well. Finally, there will be a new personal security program installed in which a personal security app will be provided for all those with smart phones. It will be free of charge and when activated will alert campus police to your location. Of all things, this app is something that could prove to be very useful in situations that arise on campus.
Transportation updates are also in the works. One of the primary positive aspects I think is that the apartment shuttles routes will be revised over the summer to shorten the trip time in both directions. Also, did you know that you can track exactly where the different shuttles are located at a specific time? All you need to do is visit the following website for more information: http://www.newhaven.edu/student-life/177715/. It might come in handy if you are running late and what to see how long you need to wait for the next shuttle pick up. Parking updates are also being added. An estimated 150 parking spaces will become available come fall 2012. There is even more work being done to make sure even more parking will be available in the spring of 2013 as well.
Overall, after looking at the email, I think that each of the updates will have a positive impact on our campus. Improving the safety of the surrounding area and improving parking is a step in the right direction. Also, has anyone noticed the new banners that say The University of New Haven 1920 on them? I think they make this campus look fantastic and that they are a nice addition. But all of this is just my opinion. Have a different one? Email us at chargerbulletin@newhaven.edu to let us know what you think!