University Installs First CT Chapter of Intl. City Management Assoc.
The International City-County Management Association (ICMA) is an organization designed for undergraduate and graduate students to further their interest in public service and local government. ICMA has 83 chapters worldwide, and the University of New Haven is the first to establish a chapter in Connecticut.
The association offers various benefits to their student members such as free membership, networking opportunities, and mentorships from local government professionals, among other things. The organization helps familiarize students with the profession of local government management by giving them direct contact with schools, state associates, managers, and other members of the organization.
According to their website the ICMA’s vision is “To be the leading association of local government professionals dedicated to creating and sustaining thriving communities throughout the world. “
They do this by holding partnerships with various global organizations such as : European Federation of Local Government Chief Executives (UDITE), Confederation of Municipalities of Central America and the Caribbean (CAMCAYCA), and the Environmental Center for Arab Towns (ECAT). These organizations are also a part of a student chapter’s network.
ICMA is structured with a Code Of Ethics that they instill in student chapters to learn, and expect their members to follow. Their code is in place to “set the standard for excellence,” according to their website. Written in 1972, it was recently updated in June 2017 because of changes within the profession over the years.
The code has 12 Tenants which emphasize honesty, fairness, and transparency among the local community, and with government leaders.
There are also volunteer opportunities within the organization that serve as alternate ways for members to get involved. They include partnership with task forces, advisory boards, and committees. These volunteers work on various assignments that gear toward improving the organization and assisting in the implementation of the organization’s strategies.
The University of New Haven’s student chapter of the ICMA gained official recognition in October of 2017. They will be holding their first meeting in January. For more information contact Dr. Roger L. Kemp at [email protected], or Dr. Christy D. Smith at [email protected].

Kiana Quinonez is the Managing Editor of The Charger Bulletin. She is a senior majoring in communications with concentrations in Journalism and TV Production....