WEST HAVEN–This January, Dani Felt and about 13 of her friends decided to write and record music onto an album to sell across the University of New Haven for the Linda Creed Breast Cancer Foundation. While they are still in the process of recording, Felt’s goal is to finish the CD before the end of the semester.
Linda Creed was Dani’s cousin and wrote the song “The Greatest Love of All.” It brings Felt great pleasure to be creating this amazing CD. She also asks if anyone is interested in updates on the CD to contact her at [email protected]. With the help of some generous upper-classmen and many talented musicians, Dani’s dream is becoming a reality.
Dani also looks forward to making more benefit CDs in the future. She will write an article every week to update people about the CD. One of her goals is to also sell the CD at Yale after selling it at UNH. Dani wants to thank all the people who have helped her through these couple months. Without all these people she could not have done this! Without MEISA this would never be possible. She also wants to thank her friends for believing in her. Without them, this CD wouldn’t have been possible.