As a result of the growing population in today’s society, the costs of treating heart disease are estimated to triple by the year

2030, according to researchers. This will have a major impact on individuals trying to afford medical care and other expenses.
With the approximated costs for this disease to currently be around two hundred and seventy three billion dollars per year, it will eventually shoot up to eight hundred and eighteen billion dollars by 2030, as shown in recent research.
“If our ability to prevent and treat heart disease stays where we are right now, costs will triple in 20 years just through demographic changes in the population,” Paul Heidenreich, chair of the AHA expert panel, concludes, according to the Associated Press.
As a result of this, the panel showed an interesting percent of 36.9 Americans, who either have coronary heart disease, heart failure, a high blood pressure condition, or a stroke. (All some type of form of heart disease.) According to this poll, that percentage will make a phenomenal increase to 40.5 percent for the future to come in 2030.
Heidenreich also points out that “we will have an enormous financial burden on top of the disease itself.” With that being said, there is an assumption that will land researchers in the pit of not making any new discoveries for this disease between now and 2030, which will slant shifts in society’s population.
In order to prevent all of this from happening, researchers and scientists must continue to devote all of their time into coming up with new and more advanced technology to cure such diseases as this one. With this as a primary goal, the chair of the AHA expert panel also quotes, “We were all surprised at the remarkable increase in costs that are expected in the next two decades; we need to continue to invest resources in the prevention of disease, the treatment of risk factors and early treatment of existing disease to reduce that burden.”
Heart disease • Feb 14, 2011 at 9:06 am
Great site, some interesting facts. Its about time a site as simple as this came along and explained all I need to know