WEST HAVEN–Having trouble in your language classes? Want to communicate with a native speaker? Seeing a problem after midterms? Well we can help you now! Thanks to the International Student’s Office and the new Modern Languages department there is a program of student tutors that can help.
Many of these students, though not all, are native speakers of the languages they are helping with. This is entirely student-run and done on an as-needed basis, but the best part is its totally FREE. You don’t have to spend a thing to get help from students like yourself! The best part about this program is that it works with the schedules of the tutor and student directly. They set up the times themselves as well as the place, no more worrying about missing a tutor’s office hours.
Of course sometimes people just need a little push and for that you can all visit me in the USGA office every Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for a name and number of a tutor. Or e-mail your help request to me at [email protected]. There will be a list of student tutors sent out soon, however it is still being compiled as many people have volunteered their time for this wonderful new program. Also this is not just for undergrads, graduate students and teachers as well can come get a refresher by speaking to someone else or just some help in that extra class they took on. As of right now all materials used will either be tutor’s personal collection or donations of previous year’s language books (so if you know someone who couldn’t sell a language book tell them to come to me!)
So if you need help, you know who to call! And remember its free help in any language the university offers as a part of its curriculum.