Sodexo housekeeping!
RSOs, as we move further into the semester, I wanted to remind you all of some policies and procedures in regards to dealing with Sodexo. Over the past few weeks, some things have been lost in terms of what to do when placing an order with Sodexo.
The first step in the process is to obtain a quote from the Sodexo catering office to see what you are looking to get and how much it may cost. Then once that is done submit a requisition for the order online via banner, then email me as to what budget line in your USGA budget it is to be charged to.
From there, if I approve the order, I’ll email Sodexo and your RSO verifying that you have the funds to pay for the order. From there, you’ll need to confirm with Sodexo that you’d like to place the order so that you can get the food for your event. I will not verify that you have funds for this order until a requisition is submitted and I receive and email from your RSO.
If you have any questions at all regarding Sodexo orders feel free to reach out to me or come see me during office hours.
John Foti
USGA Treasure