Track your spending

RSOs, as we move further into the semester, it’s important to continuously track your spending. Tracking your spending can help manage your RSO budget and can make planning events a lot easier, as you’ll be more aware as to how much your RSO has to utilize when planning certain events. This can also help when planning for next year and the yearly budget process. Knowing what your RSO has spent on certain events can give you an idea as to how much your RSO may need or want to request during the yearly budget process which is scheduled to take place during March. A great way to track expenditures is by using charts and tables. Excel is an awesome program that is great for keeping track of expenses and what exactly is in your budget. This is something all RSO treasurers should try to utilize because, again, being aware of your RSO finances can alleviate stress and confusion, making processing financial paperwork a lot easier.
Always do your part as an RSO treasurer to track your RSO accounts. If you have any questions about how to track expenses or anything in regards to RSO finances, feel free to come see me during office hours or shoot me an email!
John Foti
USGA Treasurer