With April already in full swing (scary isn’t it?) and spring finally here, that means there are relatively few issues of The Charger Bulletin left to put together. To be specific, after this issue which you are currently reading, there are only three more to go! But the end of the semester not only brings an end to the campus newspaper for the academic year; in fact, so many other things are ending, especially for us seniors. I know that I cannot believe that this is coming to an end, and I certainly cannot believe how quickly it came. It seems only like just a few months ago that I was moving in and hanging things on my walls (with the thought of I’ll figure out how to take that down months from now). Well “months from now” is finally here, and here I stand trying to figure out how to get that stuff down.
So what do I mean exactly when I say “the first of the many lasts?” Since everything is winding down, lots of things are coming up that will be the last time I will experience them. Some of these things I am looking forward to very much, and others are kind of bitter sweet. I started thinking about this on the drive back to campus this past Sunday. I realized that it would be the last time I would be home before graduation, but more importantly, it would be the last time I would have to leave home to go back to school. No more packing and unpacking; no more moving things to and from the car up to Soundview (sadly I will still have to move out though). At this point, there is only one direction left to travel.
There are other things that will be coming up as well: the last spring weekend, the last day of classes, and the last final exams ever! I can’t say that I’m completely devastated about the last one there, but still it’s a milestone. Then you can add trivial things to the mix such as the last time eating at New Hall, the last time playing soccer on Kayo, and the last time having to pay for laundry. Again, I can’t say that I’m completely devastated about the last one there, but still it’s going to happen so I might as well bring it up. Maybe those of you reading this (those of you who aren’t seniors anyway) are thinking that you could never miss this school, or you would never miss or be sad to say “that was my last time.” But you are wrong in that respect. You cannot say that until your time is here and it is your turn to move out one final time.
In these last few weeks, and I do mean few (no seriously count them; there aren’t that many), take advantage of the time that is left. There is not much time to get things done. You might be looking at your syllabus thinking “wow I don’t have much work left to do,” or you could be looking at your syllabus freaking out saying “when am I going to find the time to do all of that.” Either way, I wish you all luck in these next few weeks of classes. Stay strong, stay healthy (which looks like it’s somewhat hard to do now-a-days, and stay focused.