Everyone has heard the saying “The best things in life are free”. These words hold a special place in every broke college student’s heart. How can anyone pass up free? The only thing better than getting something for free is getting something expensive for free; such as a car, school books, or tutoring. I bet right now you are thinking it would be completely amazing but highly unlikely to get any of those for free. What if I told you that you were wrong about one of those things? While the CLR cannot get you a free car or books, we do provide free tutoring.
What is the CLR and what do I have to do to get this free tutoring you ask? The Center for Learning Resources is where students can go to get free tutoring in just about any subject area. We have made some big changes since last year, adding more tutors and greatly expanding our hours. Currently, there are 35 professional, graduate, and undergraduate tutors on staff in the CLR. Three new subject areas are now being covered, which include 5 different languages, history, and engineering to make 44 subject areas in total being covered. Our tutors are available from 9:30am to 10pm Mon. through Thurs., 9:30am to 1:30pm Fri., and 9:30am to 4:30pm Sat. These new expanded hours are perfect for commuters and night students to come in after a late class. This all sounds pretty good right? But you must be wondering about the catch. Nothing this good could really be for free, right? The catch is that you have to be a UNH student. That’s it.
Thinking about taking advantage of this free tutoring? You can chose to either make an appointment or just stop in whenever you have some free time. If you want to make an appointment, just come in and sign up on the appointment sheet. You can make up to three 30 minute appointments a week and you need to make an appointment at least an hour before the start time. You cannot make appointments back to back. Make sure you check the schedule BEFORE making an appointment to make sure someone who can tutor in your area will be on duty. Not all math tutors can help you with every math class. You can find the CLR on the first floor of Maxcy in rooms 108 – 110.
Why should you come to the CLR? If the 35 tutors working in 44 subject areas at the astronomical price of free did not pull you in, then maybe you find your self struggling with one of your classes? Maybe you are looking for a place to do your homework where someone can help if you come across a problem? Maybe you are doing well in a class and want to do even better? Whatever the case may be, just remember the best things in life are free. For more information go to http://www.newhaven.edu/academics/13736/