Technology in the Classroom is Necessary

The most distinguishing factor in the current century is technology.  The digital world has become a part of everyday life, and has been implemented into almost everything we do.   

Within the first few days of classes, students get a feeling for their professors’ various teaching styles and practices. Though most professors implement modern technological systems in the classroom, for instance PowerPoint presentations, videos, and the use of laptops, there are still many who dislike the use of technology in the classroom and rely solely on lectures and books to teach a class.  

Gracie Hancox, a senior and forensic science major, says that in a lot of her science classes, it’s easier to see images of certain programs and instruments when technology is involved, such as PowerPoint.  

“Taking notes on a PowerPoint makes it so much easier to look back and see what we were talking about. They could use paper copies, but for things you look at for only a minute, having it on screen is more sustainable and better for the environment,” said Hancox. 

Technology is used very often, and will most likely be used in our future careers. Having a digital and visual aid could help many students in their futures, and help them to absorb information more efficiently.  According to the U.S. Department of Education, technology plays an important role in motivating students, learning technical skills, collaborating with peers, and increasing the use of outside resources.  

In a study completed by scholars at the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the preferred style of learning was kinesthetic, or learning by carrying out an activity, followed by visual and auditory learning.  Technology can be an asset to all of those styles of learning by providing project work, a visual and auditory aid, or a blend of the three.  

 With technology also comes some troubleshooting. “I’ve had classes cancelled because the computer wasn’t working and IT (Information Technology)couldn’t get there in time,” said Hancox. 

In cases like this, faculty training on how to troubleshoot common technological problems, such as knowing how to format hard drive from bios, is beneficial.  In addition, it is important that all professors receive training to implement certain media and technology into the curriculum.  

Since technology can be so beneficial in education, it should not be ruled out from the classroom because of teachers’ habits. For the professors that prefer to teach in a lecture style with no PowerPoints, they should be encouraged to explore implementing certain technological resources into the classroom. 

College is an exciting time to take in new information, and apply it to our future careers, and lives outside of the classroom.  By introducing technological training to our distinguished professors do not use media, I believe students would have more opportunity for growth and better motivation to learn.