In the last issue of The Charger Bulletin before Winter Break, I compiled a list of films to catch over break, based off trailers and general facts about the movies. While I missed the mark on some of them, (Exodus: Gods and Kings), here are some films coming out in the summer that should serve as a great way to spend a hot summer night in a cold dark room.

Pitch Perfect 2 (May 15): After everyone loved the 2012 musical Pitch Perfect, many fans are excited for the upcoming sequel. While it looks like it will hit many of the same notes (pun intended), Pitch Perfect 2 is sure to have fans flocking to see the Bellas sing once more.
Tomorrowland (May 22): Based on the Disney theme park ride, Tomorrowland looks to be a very inventive sci-fi film that deviates from the dystopian, bleak future and portrays a science wonderland in an alternate dimension. Starring George Clooney, Tomorrowland is directed by The Incredibles director, Brad Bird.
Poltergeist (May 22): Typically not a fan of horror films, I have a special place in my heart for the 1982 classic Poltergeist. This new remake, starring Sam Rockwell, seems to update the original while keeping the creepy yet over the top feel of the first one. So, Poltergeist will surely be a welcome horror film in the summertime.
Terminator Genysis (July 1): While the Terminator films have been hit or miss, the first film is still and always will be a sci-fi classic. This new film, subtitled Genysis, will serve as a reboot to the franchise rather than a sequel, but will still have Arnold return to play the cyborg, similar to the Star Trek reboot in 2009. Genysis will be a fun 90’s style action flick based off of the action scenes.
Jurassic World (June 12): A welcome return to Isla Nublar, where John Hammond’s vision of a fully operating Jurassic Park is finally realized. Starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, Jurassic World introduces genetic engineering to create a super dinosaur to attract more park visitors. The effects look nothing short of incredible, and the trailers seem to indicate that Jurassic World will get back to the deeper themes of the first film. Spielberg himself says this is the Jurassic Park movie he always wanted to see, and that’s a good enough reason for me to buy a ticket.
Ant-Man (July 16) : The next installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ant-Man stars Paul Rudd as Scott Lang, an ex-convict who must fight villains at a microscopic level using the Ant-Man suit, which enables its user to shrink to ant size. Honestly, the Marvel label alone is enough to get me into the theater for Ant-Man.
Fantastic Four (August 1) : A reboot to the Marvel comic book, Fantastic Four comes after two disappointing films from the early 2000s. Starring Whiplash’s Miles Teller, Fantastic Four will return to the sci-fi horror themes of the comic book that the previous films failed to capture. Again, any Marvel film is worth a shot at this point.