Hello everyone. Starting this fall, I will be the new Assistant Editor of the Charger Bulletin. I could not be more excited to work with such a great group of students, and I want to sincerely thank those who have given me this amazing opportunity, especially Matt and Joann. I would also like to further thank Joann, the current Assistant Editor, who did such a good job these past two years. She has been very dedicated to the paper, and I could easily approach her with any questions, or guidance that I needed. I hope to follow the path she leaves behind, and apply the knowledge she has taught me toward the position.
The newest Editor-in-Chief, Liz, and I have many new ideas for next semester, and we hope more students will become involved. One idea is to familiarize ourselves with our audience, and vice versa. So, for those who do not know me, here is a little bit about myself. I am a political science major with a minor in communications. I am a rising junior. My favorite color is purple, and my favorite movie is the Phantom of the Opera. I watch the BBC like it’s going out of style (yes, I am proud to call myself a Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Downton Abbey fan!). I like to laugh, and I always have the most sarcastic jokes. I listen to all kinds of music, but my favorite is alternative. When I have free time, I enjoy reading, writing poetry, and watching really bad horror movies. My celebrity dream date is Chip Skylark. I will sing (or hum) Disney songs at random intervals of the day, and others tend to chime in eventually. I am proud to call myself a perfectionist, and I’m always busy with one project or another, but I love every second of it! Most of all, my passion is political journalism, and I am truly honored to be the Assistant Editor next year.
Now, enough about me. Because finals will be soon ending, the subject on everyone’s mind is most likely….summer vacation! For some, this means a vacation, for others a job. Personally, I have a job, an internship, and a volunteer job lined up this summer. What can I say? I like to stay busy. For those going out of the state or country for vacation, or even staying close to home, please stay safe. Yes, that includes the beach. I cannot tell you how many times I have forgotten to put on sunscreen and ended up with not-so-happy skin afterwards. Not only does it prevent burning, but it also protects you from harmful sun rays. You might even get a nice tan in the process.
We should all be proud of surviving another year of classes, clubs, sports, and USGA. It is now the time for relaxation. Read a book or two, play Frisbee, go swimming every day until your fingers wrinkle. The best advice I can give it to just have fun. Before you know it, a whole new year will begin, so make the most of the next three months. I wish anyone who is graduating the best of luck in the future. As for everyone else, until next time!