WEST HAVEN–The Spring 2009 Library Speakers Program provides one more great line-up of speakers. The Speakers Program is free and open to the university community and the general public. Each talk is held on the Upper Level of the library starting at 2:00 p.m.
Dr. Brenda Williams presents the next program on Wednesday, April 15. Her talk on “The Humanities: Does the Past Matter?” discusses a topic of concern to many Americans. With the historic election of President Barack Obama, what will be the role of the public humanities? As the recently appointed chairman of the Board of Directors of the Connecticut Humanities council, Dr. Williams will explore why the humanities matter. How can they continue to matter using the new technologies? How will the Connecticut Humanities Council continue to use the literary, historical, and cultural past to help us make informed decisions about the future? Dr. Williams will demonstrate how Connecticut residents have benefited from the work of the Connecticut Humanities Council funded programs.
Professor Christy Somerville and Mr. John Arabolos wrap up our spring program on Wednesday, April 22. Their talk on “The Profession of Interior Design: Working with an Interior Designer” should be of interest to many in the university community. Interior Design is a relatively young profession. These experts, Christy Somerville, Assistant Professor of Interior Design at UNH and a title registered Interior Designer in Connecticut and Mr. Arabolos, a Professional-In-Residence in Interior Design at UNH and a title registered Interior Designer in Connecticut will tell us about this interesting profession. They will explain the six characteristics of a profession, the knowledge and services a professional interior designer brings to the consumer and an understanding of how an interior designer and the consumer work together to create residential and commercial interiors that meet their interior design goals.
For further information visit the Library’s home page or call H. Dobi at 203-932-7191.